
  • V. Predborskij NAU
  • V. Kuntsevich BSU


shadow world , shadow dual power, shadow global corpocracy.


The subject of this article is the theoretical aspects of one of the core elements of the theory of power shadowing - the expansion of external shadow management of national economic space, an algorithm for the formation of its shadowing, dual structure, the connection with the mechanisms of "dual power", and the purpose - to determine the content of the historical trend, what is the expansion of external shadow management of national economic space in modern conditions of illegitimate clan "autonomous" organization of shadow power.

The paper uses a set of scientific methods and approaches, including systematic, structural-functional, historical, and logical ones, which allowed to ensure conceptual unity of research on initial conditions of shadow power formation.

The article substantiates the necessity to counteract the powerful influence of external shadow management on the internal processes of shadow dual power, to identify common patterns of external shadowing of power mechanisms.

The main results of the research can be summarized as follows: 1) The mega-problem of the study of the functioning of shadow power mechanisms is the initial shadow contradictions of power, in particular, the formation of "autonomous dual power" of power in interaction with the system of powerful external shadow management; 2) historical logic of genesis and development of "autonomous" shadow "dual power", together with external shadow governance, actively contribute to the destruction of national statehood, the effectiveness of power, impoverishment of the general population of Ukraine, deindustrialization of the country, its increasing depopulation, i.e. they conditioned accelerated downgrading of all social processes.

Author Biographies

V. Predborskij , NAU

Professor of the department economic theory,  doctor of economics

V. Kuntsevich , BSU

Senior Lecturer, Corporate Finance Department


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