calculations, products, farm, production, milk, beef, biogas, energy carriersAbstract
The calculation of livestock farm planning under the self-sustaining system of livestock production is carried out and the method of technical and economic substantiation is offered.
It is established that with the introduction of loose housing of heifers in deep litter, the volume of the bioreactor is 626 m3 with a single load of 85 kg / m3 with an energy balance of the biogas plant 58149 MJ / day.
Transformation of the livestock building for different physiological groups of livestock, which were in separate buildings and transformation into a large industrial building - monoblock requires a clear account of the specific features of these buildings in the development of energy-saving technological production of livestock products.
To increase the efficiency and energy efficiency of design solutions can be achieved through the use of technological systems that reduce the area required for their placement; changing the configuration of a rectangular structure to a square one as more rational; reduction of the total volume of the room and intensive use of the volume of the room, taking into account the possibility of tier operation; using the optimal flat or lantern coating of buildings.
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