
  • B. Larchenko Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics
  • A. Shkil Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics
  • L. Larchenko Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics


functional conversion, bit-stream data, bit-stream computing, method, approximation, mathematical model, Finite State Machine, verification


Models and methods of a bit-stream online calculator of power functions design are proposed, using the previously proposed method for generating increments of increasing step functions, based on the principle of sampling a certain part of bits from the input bit-stream data. An improved mathematical model of a bit-stream power functions computer is obtained, which is represented by a system of difference inequalities, when each of them is executed, the bits of the output data stream corresponding to the nodes of approximation of the reproduced function are formed at the output of the device. In this case, the absolute error in calculating the specified function does not exceed half of the unit of the least significant bit of the argument. The device has a streaming method for online computations with parallel-sequential conversions of the input bit stream in accordance with a given function. Thanks to a more advanced mathematical model, a calculator architecture with a simpler technical solution is proposed. A hardware model of the calculator based on the Moore's finite state machine model is proposed, a graph diagram of the device operation algorithm and a graph model of the control unit are developed, which provides clarity and consistency of the algorithm implementation. The device is implemented in the FPGA platform, which provides flexibility of reconfiguration, reliability and high performance.

Author Biographies

B. Larchenko, Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics

 PhD Student of the Design Automation Department

A. Shkil, Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics

PhD, Associate Professor,  Associate Professor of Desig Automation Department

L. Larchenko, Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics

PhD, Associate Professor,  Associate Professor of Desig Automation Department


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