
  • К. Kozak Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies


agro-industrial sector, stakeholders, interest groups, stakeholders, influence groups, sustainable economic development.


The author's classification of stakeholder groups in the field of agro-industrial production is presented. Based on the Mendlow model, the priority of stakeholders in terms of power and interest is calculated.

The result of the study was to identify the following features of the mechanism of coordination of stakeholders in national agro-industrial production: key stakeholder groups are logistics companies, business owners, managers, staff, national authorities and management; the agro-industrial sphere in Ukraine is insufficiently included in the concept of sustainable development, as the list of priority stakeholders does not include groups under the conditional name "future generations", as well as the sphere of science and education; the traditional for the industrial era understanding of priority of parameters of economic stability in comparison with parameters of stability as the expanded category including ecological and social component remains, and develops on the basis of introduction of scientific developments in industrial activity; groups of stakeholders whose interests are most fully satisfied are the owners of the agricultural enterprise.

Author Biography

К. Kozak , Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Management and Logistics Department 


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