innovations, innovative development, innovative theories, economic cycles, institutional transformations, the role of knowledge.Abstract
The existing theoretical approaches to determining the nature of innovation, scientific and technological development, cyclical economy and the role of innovation in overcoming depression in the economic cycle are considered.
The following theories are considered: subjectivist theories of innovation development, theories of cyclical crises, investment theory of cycles, the theory of "long waves" M. Kondratiev, economic theory of industrial innovation, theory of technological structure, theory of cyclicality, theory of technological stalemate, theory of life cycle of innovation, technological -product theory, innovation theory of A. Kleiknecht, innovation-investment theory, theory of innovation diffusion rate, theory of "demand pressure", theory of spatial diffusion of innovations, theory of growth poles, theory of "center-periphery", theory of spatial cluster, theory of human capital, theory of intellectual technology, theory of subversive innovations, theory of innovative economy of entrepreneurial type, theory of technocracy, theory of stage of economic growth, theory of industrial-technocratic society, theory of economic integration. Based on the analysis, key
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