
  • V. Sheregova
  • A. Postelnyak
  • C. Medvedeva Тюменский государственный институт культуры


хореограф, функции хореографа, профессиональная деятельность хореографа, компетенции хореографа, индивидуальный стиль профессиональной деятельности хореографа


The article discusses important aspects of the choreographer's activities. The professional sphere of a modern teacher-choreographer includes a whole range of a wide variety of activities. Along with purely educational activities and organizational and creative aspects, a specialist needs to perform many other functions that require relevant professional competencies. The components of professional competence of a modern pedagogue-choreographer must be constantly improved. As a result, the components of the professional sphere of the pedagogical choreographer are integrated into the individual style of the professional activity of the choreographer.

Author Biographies

V. Sheregova

professor of the department

A. Postelnyak

Senior Lecturer

C. Medvedeva, Тюменский государственный институт культуры

Senior Lecturer, Department of Sports and Contemporary Dance


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