
  • О. Fedorkov


засоби масової інформації, психолого-політичний світогляд молоді, національно- державна ідентичність


The article is devoted to the role of mass media in the process of development of psychological and political worldview of the youth of Ukraine. Based on sociological research from different years, the authors analyze the degree of influence of the media on the minds of young people, assess the factors influencing the assimilation of information disseminated by the media, and the limits of media influence. The relationship between the processes of psychological and political worldview and political identity is established, as well as the direct and indirect influence of the media on these processes. The form of presenting information on television and the psychological effects of the influence of the television program on the consciousness of young people are determined. The possibilities of the mass media, which are a socially significant institution that performs important functions that ensure the information unity of the nation and the state, are discussed. The main attention is paid to the formation of national-state identity, necessary for the preservation of Ukrainian statehood. The essence of the media, which are the bearers of information power, its source and at the same time a means of exercising power of political and economic groups, is revealed. The important role of the media in the development of psychological and political worldview of young people, which contributes to the formation of civilizational (cultural and symbolic) background of political life, spreading certain ideas and ideologies, as well as political myths.

Author Biography

О. Fedorkov

candidate of psychological sciences


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