information technologies, electronic justice, e-justice, digital justice, court, electronic document, internet, coronavirus, force majeureAbstract
The seventeen years that have passed since the adoption of the Russian Federation’s Code of Civil Procedure allow us to identify some current problems of its application, the solution of which should have a positive impact on the civil procedure proceedings development.
This article focuses on the problems of the "electronic" civil proceedings development, because over the past decade, the electronic technologies development and the improvement of social communication technical means have caused a significant information exchange acceleration, which has a fairly noticeable effect on the nature of interaction "human - society - state".
The concept of "e-justice" has become a natural result of progress in this area. Today, due to the global threat
of the cornovirus infection spread, it is one of the priority directions for the Russian Federation’s judicial system development.
The research subject is the provisions of domestic legislation on the legal regulation of modern information technologies in civil proceedings, as well as scientific and special legal literature on this issue.
The methodological basis of the research was formed by formal-logical and technical-legal methods of scientific knowledge.
According to the study’s results, it is concluded that a full-scale e-justice system implementation is necessary, which will have a positive impact on the judicial system, lead to greater access to justice for citizens and improve the quality and efficiency of the courts, regardless of force majeure or restrictive measures.
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