popularization of reading, motivation for reading and reading culture, promotion of reading, advertising and promotion of book editions.Abstract
The aim of this studyis to consider the popularization of reading as a multidimensional phenomenon. The purpose of the study is to analyze the interrelations between the structural components of reading popularization, in particular, the motivation for reading, the formation of a reading culture, reading comprehension, the book advertisement and promotion.The paper outlines the range of different ways to promote reading. It requires revealing the essence of its components. Thus, the culture of reading and the formation of interest must be considered within the humanitarian paradigm. In turn, the promotion of reading and book advertising are in the field of publishing business. Promotional functions are performed by organizations associated with marketing and advertising. These components should be considered in the paradigm of publishing marketing.The author offers to combine the efforts of sociocultural institutions and the publishing business in order to increase the effectiveness of the reading promotion process.
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