B. A. Zimmerman, K. Stockhausen, serial technique, polystylistics, electronic music, time, superart.Abstract
The article attempts to compare philosophical-aesthetic and music-theoretical views and the oeuvre of K. Stockhausen and B. A. Zimmerman - German composers of the second half of the twentieth century, who are traditionally presented as antagonists in domestic musicology. It was found that both authors: studied the problem of time in music and offered their options for its inclusion as one of the parameters of serial technique; substantiated in their literary works their own composer's findings; created technically complex compositions (in the field of performance, and in the field of work stages on the final version); used in the works multilingual texts in phonetic and semantic aspects; evolved from a fascination with the technical side of creativity to the predominance of the aesthetic; constructed a new sound reality by means of sound polyphony at the macro and micro levels, trying to create «super-art».
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