reclamation, drainage, transformation, soil, environment, greenhouse gasesAbstract
The purpose of this study is a structural-geographical analysis of transformation processes in soils due to drainage reclamation, because understanding the state of transformation makes it possible to understand the effects of a complex of factors on the land fund and the needs of agriculture and leads to the scientific study of different components of the environment and the natural environment of the natural environment and fauna, water regime, atmosphere. The tasks of the work are: to clarify existing ideas about soil transformation; analysis of peculiarities of methodological approaches; assessment of problems and outlining of perspective ways of management of transformed soils.
It has been investigated that during the drainage reclamation intensive mineralization of the organic part of the soil occurs with a significant increase of greenhouse gas emissions and processes of peat mineralization are actively developing. It is also shown that in general the study of problems of soil transformation under the influence of drainage reclamation for the Volyn region is extremely relevant. It is analyzed that a number of works of leading scientists are devoted to the problems of estimation of the degree of transformation of the agricultural landscape under the influence of reclamation works (V. E. Alekseyevsky, S. T. Voznyuk, S. G. Skoropanov, M. N. Shevchenko, P. G. Shishchenko, F. V. Zuzuk, etc.)
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