
  • P. Zhuk National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya
  • M. Matsipura National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya
  • V. Mazur NME "Vinnytsia City Clinical Hospital Of Emergency Medical Aid"
  • S. Psiuk NME "Vinnytsia City Clinical Hospital Of Emergency Medical Aid"


bone cement, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength.


Summary. Aim: to determine in the experiment the value of the modulus of elasticity and yield strength of Palacos’ bone cements for further use in mathematical models of osteosynthesis and endoprosthesis. Material and methods. For each stage of the study, 10 samples of bone cement Palacos R and Palacos fast with a diameter of 5 mm and a length of 10 mm were made. The studies were performed 2 hours and 2 days after polymerization. All samples were tested under the influence of axial compressive load, followed by calculation of the modulus of elasticity and the strength limit. The magnitude of the load was measured using a strain gauge SBA-100L, the results were recorded by a CAS data logger type CI-2001A. The amount of deformation of the samples was measured using a micrometer indicator of the time type. Processing was performed using the application package IBM Statistics SPSS 20.0. Results and discussion. At the end of the polymerization process for samples of Palacos R’ bone cement, the modulus of elasticity was 2542.40±65.55 MPa, the yield strength was 87.24±3.70 MPa, for samples of Palacos fast’ cement – 2942.50±99.67 MPa and 105,77±3.19 MPa, respectively. The difference between the modulus of elasticity (p=0.001) and yield strength (p=0.001) for the studied samples is statistically significant. Significant difference between Palacos R and Palacos fast samples in terms of modulus of elasticity

(2642.90±22.93 MPa and 3048.93±108.70 MPa, respectively, p=0.001) and strength limits (95.58±4.53 MPa and 116,39±2.85 MPa, respectively, p=0.001) was stored for 2 days after manufacture. During the experiment, a significant increase in the average modulus of elasticity by 3.8 % and strength limits of 8.73 % for samples of bone cement brand Palacos R (p=0.001 and p=0.001, respectively). For Palacos fast samples, a significant increase in the values of the modulus of elasticity by 3.49 % and the yield strength by 9.12 % (p=0.001 and p=0.001, respectively) was recorded. Conclusions. The obtained values of the mechanical properties of bone cements Palacos R and Palacos fast can be used for further mathematical modeling of different variants of osteosynthesis and endoprosthesis.

Author Biographies

P. Zhuk , National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya

doctor of medical sciences, professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics

M. Matsipura , National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya

postgraduate student of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics

V. Mazur , NME "Vinnytsia City Clinical Hospital Of Emergency Medical Aid"

surgeon, Head of the Operating room

S. Psiuk , NME "Vinnytsia City Clinical Hospital Of Emergency Medical Aid"

orthopedist-traumatologist, Head of the Traumatology department


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