automated footwear selection, mass customization, orthopedic shoe, custom shoe, remote order, concept of customization, contactless fitting, data mining, shoe last, complex matching factor.Abstract
Nowadays, customization is becoming an increasingly applicable approach for the individualization of goods made in mass production. Another trend is the technology of virtual, or contactless, shoe fitting, aimed at selecting goods in accordance with the individual anthropometric parameters of customers' feet. The article is considered to the presentation of the results of scientific developments in the field of optimization of orthopedic providing of patients using customization approaches and conceptual solutions of contactless shoe fitting technologies. As part of the study, an algorithm of shoe selection and a method for assessment of matching the internal shape of the shoe to the patient’s feet measurements have been developed. The possibilities and conditions for the application of the results obtained in the tasks of supporting orthopedic specialists in the orthopedic providing of patients on the basis of data mining in the implementation of the automated remote selection of shoes and ordering for custom shoes are presented. The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-37-90152.
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