
  • M. Bogus Adyghe State University



problem-based learning, pedagogical conditions, primary school student, problem situations, lesson.


The article substantiates the relevance of the effectiveness of problem-based learning in primary school. The paper reveals the structure of the activities of teachers and students in the context of problem-based learning. The author presents the essence of the problem situation and the methodological features of its implementation in primary school as the main component of problem-based learning. The paper presents a set of teaching methods that are effective in organizing problem-based learning in primary school. As effective methods of problem-based learning, the author reveals the essence of the methods of monological, reasoning and dialogical presentation, heuristic method, method of research tasks, modeling, and project method. The paper presents the essence of problem dialogue and simulation-game problems as effective ways to organize problem-based learning in primary school. The author presents a set of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effectiveness of problem-based learning in primary school, such as taking into account the cognitive needs and cognitive abilities of younger students, including a system of problem situations in the educational process, using problem dialogue and imitation-game problems in the educational process.

Author Biography

M. Bogus, Adyghe State University

doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,  Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies


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