comprehensive program, destructive influence, Internet environment, critical thinking, student youth.Abstract
The paper presents an analysis of the results of an experiment on the implementation of a comprehensive program for the prevention of the destructive influence of the Internet environment on student youth in the activities of social service centers. In accordance with the purpose and objectives of scientific work, the sample consisted of 533 people aged 16 to 25 years. The proposed program is based on the assumption that critical thinking is an effective means of counteracting the destructive information impact.
According to the results of the analyzed data, positive changes that occurred in young people in accordance with the axiological, cognitive and praxiological components of the formation of critical thinking. As a result of the pedagogical experiment, the majority of respondents in the experimental group achieved high and medium development of the indicators of the criteria. The effectiveness of the implementation of the developed program in the preventive activities of specialists in social work of social service centers has been proven.
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