Communist Party of Ukraine, Ukrainian SSR, Protestantism, repression, persecution, statechurch relations.Abstract
In the statistic, the foreign tendencies of the state policy of the Protestants of the Ukrainian RSR (Adventists of the present day, Christians of the Evangel, Pentecostals and others) in the 60s – 80s have been discerned. The twentieth century, the spring is characterized by the probi of the central and religious organs of the government to change the hedge of the religious communities, and also to formulate a negative image of the «sectarian» among the sacks of the republic. According to the results of the study, it was stated that the policy of the Communist Party of Ukraine on Protestant religious organizations during the study period was marked by an unprecedented attack by party and state authorities on their church institutions in order to limit or completely ban the functioning of religious communities. It is noted that the struggle against believers of Protestant confessions in the period under study did not bring the expected results for the local Commissioners for Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, the Soviet-party authorities, primarily due to «superficial work», as well as due to a certain liberalization all spheres of social and political life in the republic and reducing the influence of the repressive and punitive system on the population of the region.
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