philosophy, gender studies, feminist revisionist mythology, Jung, archetype, myth, mythological discourse.Abstract
The article deals with the concept of archetypes by K. G. Jung in the context of M. Atwood’s The Penelopiad and M. Miller’s Circe, which represent feminist revisionist mythology tradition. The study focuses on exploring the transformation of the Jungian archetypes of the figures of Penelope and Circe in Atwood and Miller’s novels. The author argues that while in original myths Penelope and Circe represent the archetypes of Mother and the feminine representation of Wise old man, in the novels Penelope’s archetype transforms into Mask, and Circe starts representing Mother archetype. The author comes to the conclusion that such transformation is a result of Atwood and Miller’s dealing with feminist agenda as well their attempt to present different sides of female experience, making mythological figures closer to real women.
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