public-private partnership, infrastructure projects, infrastructure bonds, investment, public authority, business.Abstract
In the article examines the advantages of interaction between the government and business to reap the benefits from such kind of relations. The ideological understanding of the public-private partnership role was defined and the forms of interaction between the government and business, which are used in world practice, were considered. Features of infrastructure project financing on the basis of public-private partnership were studied. Existing schemes financing of infrastructure concessions were analyzed. The theoretical foundations forms of the bond financing to infrastructure projects, as well as the existing types of infrastructure bonds used in world practice, were described. The general stages for organization of debt securities issuance were explored and the main advantages of infrastructure bonds to use them t finance infrastructure projects. Possibilities of using the bond form of financing of infrastructure projects on the basis of public-private partnership were substantiated and the need to use such securities on the municipal bond market was proven. This study became the basis for proposals to use infrastructure bonds to finance infrastructure projects in the Ukrainian reality
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