
  • V. Starozhilov Pacific International Landscape Center Far Eastern Federal University
  • A. Kudryavtsev Pacific International Landscape center Far Eastern Federal University



Physical geography, classification, taxon, landscape, practice development.


The landscape diversity of Sakhalin Island is considered. The classification, the internal content of taxa, the possibilities of practical implementation of the landscape approach in the development of Sakhalin Island.

Author Biographies

V. Starozhilov , Pacific International Landscape Center Far Eastern Federal University

Doctor of Geography, Professor

A. Kudryavtsev , Pacific International Landscape center Far Eastern Federal University

Research engineer


Starozhilov V. T. Landscape geography of Primorye (regional-component specificity and spatial analysis of geosystems): monograph / V. T. I. Bulatov]. Vladivostok: Publishing house. house Dalnevost. federal University, 2013.276 p.

Starozhilov VT The marginal-continental landscape belt as a geographical unit of Pacific Russia // Proceedings of the international. conf. "Sustainable use of natural resources in coastal and marine areas." Vladivostok: Dalnauka. 2013a. S. 38-43.

Starozhilov VT Landscapes map of Primorsky Krai on a scale of 1: 1000 000. Vladivostok: Far East Publishing House. University, 2009. Starozhilov VT

Landscape geography of Primorye (practice). Vladivostok: Publishing house. house Dalnev. Feder. University, 2013b. Book. 3.276 p.

Starozhilov VT Landscape indication of the transformation of geosystems // Structural transformations in the geosystems of North-East Asia: materials of the All-Russian. scientificpractical conf. 23-24 Apr 2015. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2015.S. 86-91.

Starozhilov VT Landscape breakthrough in the development of Pacific Russia - the first International Pacific Landscape Center of FEFU // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Scientific trends: Architecture, Geography, Geology". Samara, 2016.S. 16-19.

Starozhilov V. T. Landscape geosystems of the Sakhalin link of the continental marginal landscape belt of Pacific Russia // Problems of regional ecology. M., 2016a. No. 5.

Starozhilov VT Landscape geosystems of the Sakhalin link in Pacific Russia // Scientific discussion: humanitarian, natural sciences and technical progress: materials of the VII All-Russian scientific-practical conference (June 22): in 2 parts. Part 1. Rostov-onDon: LLC "Priority", 2015a. S. 54-64.

Starozhilov VT Marginal-continental landscape geosystems of Pacific Russia (Sakhalin Oblast, Primorskiy Krai) // Materials of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Science of the 20th Century". M., 2015b. S. 17-28.

Starozhilov V.T. To the synthesis, analysis and assessment of natural systems of Pacific Russia based on models of landscape geosystems: theory and practice // Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Tomsk, 2013c. S. 121-125.

(10) Starozhilov V.T., Oznobikhin V.I. conf. Vladivostok, October 7-9, 2013. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2013, pp. 54-57.





