mine, quality, stability, ore, assessment, complexity, correlation dependences, grade, management, production.Abstract
The work is devoted to a very topical issue - predicting quality indicators in underground mining of ore deposits. In this work, the conditions and ways of improving the quality of ores during mining were studied on the example of deposits of rich ores in the northern flanks of the Talnakh and Oktyabrsky deposits of Talnakh. The studies were carried out in specific conditions at the mining enterprises of the Polar Division of the Public Joint Stock Company Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel.
The northern deposits of the Talnakhskoye deposit represent the main prospect for replenishing the retired production capacities for the extraction of high-grade ores. The significant heterogeneity of the distribution of the metal content in industrial reserves of rich copper-nickel ores is the primary cause of high fluctuations in the quality of ore flow, which requires the use of the most advanced mining technologies to control the quality of ores during extraction.
The process of forming the required quality level of mined ores at the mines of the Polar Division of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel is of paramount importance. However, during the development of deposits of «rich» ores in the ore stream «mine - processing plant», significant fluctuations in the quality of the ore mass are formed, which lead to losses of metals in the process of concentration and during metallurgical redistribution, thereby reducing the economic efficiency of the entire mining and metallurgical complex, as determines the relevance of the work.
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