
  • V. Mel’nick National Technical University of Ukraine "IGOR SIKORSKY KYIV POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE"
  • N. Gnateiko National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”



submarine, acoustic pressure wave, liquid, acoustic approximation, pressure pulse


The forced movement of the submarine under the action of an acoustic pressure wave at rectilinear and uniform movement of the device is analyzed. The analysis of the dynamics of translational movement of the hull under the action of an acoustic pressure wave in an ideal environment, which makes it possible to assess the physical properties of the environment and the elastic properties of the outer hull on the value of the maximum movement of the submarine. It is proved that if the total pressure pulse is limited, then the water particles will receive certain displacements and it can be expected that under these conditions the displacement of the submarine will be determined. The results of the analysis make it possible to conduct a comparative analysis of the translational movement of the submarine under the action of an acoustic pressure wave, taking into account the characteristics of the moving medium, more precisely, taking into account the viscosity of the real medium

Author Biographies

V. Mel’nick , National Technical University of Ukraine "IGOR SIKORSKY KYIV POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE"

doctor of technical sciences, professor, Head of the Department of bioengineering and biotechnics

N. Gnateiko , National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of the dynamics and strength of machines and the resistance of materials 


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