: winter rye of Synthetic 38 and Zabava varieties, chlorophyll, metabolic active substances.Abstract
Purpose. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of pre-sowing treatment of winter rye seeds of Synthetic 38 and Zabava with compositions of metabolically active substances on the content of photosynthetic pigments in plant leaves at different phases of ontogenesis.
Materials and methods. The research materials were winter rye varieties Synthetic 38 and Zabava, and combinations of metabolically active substances: vitamin E (10-8M), paraoxybenzoic acid (0,001%), methionine (0,001%), ubiquinone-10 (10-8M) and MgSO4 (0,001%). The research scheme provided 4 options: 1) control (untreated seeds); 2) seeds, treated with a composition of substances: vitamin E + paraoxybenzoic acid + methionine + MgSO4; 3) seeds treated with a composition of substances: vitamin E + paraoxybenzoic acid + methionine; 4) seeds, processing by composition of substances: vitamin E + ubiquinone-10. Studies were conducted in the following phases of rye development: tillering, tubing, earing, flowering. The content of pigments - chlorophyll a, b and the total content of chlorophyll in the leaves of rye plants was determined by spectrophotometric method.
Results and conclusions. It was demonstrated for the first time that the use of compositions of metabolically active compounds for pre-sowing treatment of winter rye varieties Synthetic 38 and Zabava leads to an increase of main chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and b in plant leaves in the dynamics from tillering to flowering. The composition consisting of vitamin E, para-oxybenzoic acid, methionine and MgSO4 showed the greatest efficiency. The effectiveness of this composition may be due to the complex action of all metabolically active compounds that are part of it. The obtained results may indicate a potentially more efficient absorption and conversion of energy by plants and the positive effect of these compositions on the photosynthesis of winter rye plants. Substances that have shown their effectiveness can be used as components of stimulants.
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