deception, abuse of trust, hypnosis, coercion, fraud.Abstract
The article considers the qualification of performers who commit fraud using persons under the influence of hypnosis. Several different views on the correct qualification of these actions are offered. With the help of statistical analysis of the Unified State Register of Judgments, the quantitative and qualitative indicators of this act were analyzed. The article also examines the views of various scientists with the appropriate qualifications of fraud on people who are in a hypnotic state. The following are examples of court decisions in which fraud was committed against persons who were in a hypnotic state according to the testimony of the victims. In addition, there are examples of decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court on criminal cases, which are mandatory for the transfer of property or property rights in case of fraud. Different types of qualification of hypnosis are proposed from different angles, both by the victim, who may commit a criminal offense during a hypnotic state, and by the hypnotist, who uses the hypnotized person to commit a criminal offense.
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