orthotropic slab, rod approximation, torsional rigidity, crackAbstract
The formula for determining the coefficient that allows to determine the torsional stiffness of the rods is suggested. In this case, the system of perpendicular beams becomes equivalent to a solid slab. Verification of the formula in the numerical implementation of the technique in software complexes shows almost complete coincidence of the deflections of the system of intersecting beams with the deflections of the solid slab. It is important to conclude that when calculating an orthotropic plate with the help of a rod approximation, it is sufficient to determine the bending stiffness of the rods of both directions, and to take the torsional stiffness equal to these bending stiffness. In the future, it is assumed to check the accuracy of determining the deflections with a local change in the stiffness of the rods on a small section of the slab.
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