physical term, physical terminology, static feature, proper Ukrainian term, loan term, structural type of derivative basis, derivative meaning, derivative means, derivative type, derivative category.Abstract
Ukrainian physical terms – names of static features have been analyzed in the article. Partial word-forming meanings of derivatives within physical terminology have been discovered. Structural types of word-forming bases of proper Ukrainian and loan derivatives have been analyzed. Nature of interaction among different word-forming types within researched word-forming category has been considered. The conducted research leads to the following conclusions.
The formation of Ukrainian physical terms – names of static features is carried out in the same way as in common language word - forming processes. This process is characterized by such regularities: tendency to concentration, generalization of main derivative types, limitation of their number in the researched derivative category (only two types of proper Ukrainian adjective terms: with suffix - ість and one type of loan terms with suffix - -изм/-ізм- are productive in physical terminology).
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