modern technologies, universal design, inclusive teaching and learning, accessibility, education, educational environmentAbstract
The article is devoted to inclusive education modern technologies, in particular, the basic principles of universal design in teaching and learning. The author has determined them as appropriate use, flexibility in use, effective teaching, multiple means of presenting curriculum content, and ways of perceiving the content irrespective of sensory and motor abilities. The use of modern technologies in inclusive education provides individualized approach that respects diversity and facilitates progress and achievement for the participants of an education process.
The author highlights that when applying the concept of modern technologies of inclusive education to teaching and learning, it should be realized that modern technologies in education context mean providing information in a range of formats to suit different ways that individual students perceive and express information. This in turn will make the curriculum more accessible for all students, including those with disabilities and special needs, in the course of their learning. The author makes it clear that the concept of modern technologies of inclusive education in relation to learning assumes that such materials are available and accessible, which would not require any additional adaptations or modifications by the teacher. Presenting information in different ways to support diverse learning styles and intelligences, e.g. presenting information orally, visually, through drawings and photographs, kinesthetically (modeling, demonstration) to encourage student interaction with the new concepts.
Modern technologies of inclusive education guide the creation of learning outcomes, resources and assessments that work for everyone. Therefore, the modern technologies of inclusive education concept respects person’s individual abilities and serves to implement the accessibility principle.
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