professional self-determination, career guidance, choice of profession, self-determination, high school studentsAbstract
The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological study of the phenomenon of professional self-determination in adolescence and empirical testing of the developed program of sociopsychological training to improve and develop personal characteristics that affect it.
The aim of the study was to test the effectiveness of the developed training, which was conducted in three stages. At the ascertaining stage, groups of high school students were determined according to the types of actual professional self-determination and indicators that influence it - stress resistance, tendency to novelty and systemic reflection. At the formation stage, the training was conducted with two groups of adolescents, each of which included 15 participants. At the control stage, the difference between significant indicators of professional selfdetermination before and after training was tested.
The results of the formative stage of the study indicate the effectiveness of the implemented program of sociopsychological training for adolescents. Comparative analysis of the indicators of the first and second sections confirmed the positive changes in the experimental group after training.
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