gender-social model, Matrix of Domination, gender, sexuality, sex, Ancient Rome.Abstract
The article studies the constructions of gender, sex and sexuality in ancient Roman society (I century BC – I century AD). Their direct influence on the power asymmetry and social hierarchy of the ancient Romans was considered. For the first time, a Roman gender-social model was formed on the basis of the theory of the “Matrix of Domination”, created by the American sociologist Patricia Hill Collins. It singles out four main stages: from higher to lower (the first degree – vir (male elite), the second degree – elite male youth, the third degree – elite women (matrons) and elite female youth, the fourth degree – deviant people (slaves, freedmen, foreigners and people of marginal professions). It was found that all socio-sexual prerogatives were concentrated among the elite states, namely the adult male citizens, and the subjected states of society, regardless of their gender, were assigned with passive social roles.
However, the study noted the improvement of the status of women and the emergence of powerful and active personalities (Empress Libya, Messalina and others), which was associated with socio-cultural changes in the life of ancient Rome.
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