digital occlusiography, maxillofacial pathology.Abstract
Introduction. Research into the dental occlusal disorders is an important component in the complex functional analysis of the maxillofacial apparatus.
Aim of the study was to research the role of static and dynamic parameters of occlusion in various pathological conditions of the maxillofacial system, which were reflected by the results of digital occlusiogram.
Materials and methods. The review of scientific works is conducted in that the presented results of occlusion parameters were determined with the T-Scan device, which measures and analyzes the clenching force of teeth using ultrathin sensors. T-Scan technology is designed to carry out a dynamical determination of the occlusion on all treatment stages, and is the only quantitative method of the occlusion analysis to be used in practice.
Review and discussion. During the restoration of dental defects with orthopedic structures, the T-Scan system provides precision occlusal diagnostics, allowing to stabilize the maxillofacial system by providing adequate frontal guides, reaching the maximum intercuspidation, and removing obstacles. Proposed strategy of prevention of occlusive defects is based on the identification and elimination of risk factors, which serve as criteria for choosing the volume of treatment and preventive measures. Occlusal injury is the most common complication that accompanies generalized periodontitis. The use of the T-Scan computer system has made it possible to establish that pathological occlusion can accelerate the progression of the existing inflammatory process. During restoration with composite materials, precise modeling and functional verification of occlusal contacts in statics and in dynamics is required. With the help of the T-Scan device, not only the presence or absence of occlusal contacts can be investigated, but also the magnitude of the load distribution for each tooth, the exact localization of the supercontact in the central occlusion and at different movements of the mandible can be determined. The introduction of the T-Scan device gave the opportunity to follow changes in occlusion during orthodontic treatment and to make the appropriate correction at the final stages and in the retention period. The criteria for TMJ dysfunction were discovered, namely: limited opening, deviations of the mandible movement, deviation or interruption of the opening.
Conclusions. The performed studies revealed significant changes in occlusion relations in patients with defects in dentition, dental anomalies, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, periodontal tissue pathology, indicating the feasibility and necessity of using this method for the diagnosis and to determine the effectiveness of the treatment of the respective pathological conditions.
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