investment security, risks, threats, model, investment attractiveness, activity of investment processes.Abstract
The article proposes a conceptual model of investment security of Ukraine, which aims to ensure the security of investment and intensification of investment processes to ensure sustainable economic growth, improve living standards and competitiveness of the national economy. Its main elements, which are in a close relationship and dynamic state, are singled out. It is noted that the improvement of investment security at the macro level should be based on strategic guidelines and an effective concept based on modeling. It is emphasized that the developed model of investment security is dynamic, formed taking into account the stimulating and disincentive impact of risks, threats and dangers. Its application is to prove the complexity, polystructural construction of the model, the relationship and interdependence of its elements, which reflect the dynamism and confirm the need to determine indicators to justify the level of investment security and the formation of priority investment goals on a secure basis in the strategic dimension.
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