technical modeling, design and technological activities, educational branch “Technologies”, creative potential of the schoolchild, creative activities, theoretical preparation, practical work, lessons of labor training.Abstract
The article considers the possibilities of purposeful influence on the development of schoolchildren creative potential, their involvement in various activities, self practical work in the field of education “Technology”. They can be effectively implemented through the use of modern pedagogical and technological systems, which are based on the principles of design and technological activities, which provides simultaneous development, training and education of students by involving them in active creative work.
It is established that the creative process is characterized by the unity of theoretical knowledge and practical experience and the theory is tested in practice, but in practice the issues appear that require a theoretical solution. For technical creative activity the theoretical preparation of schoolboys consists in providing them with a system of knowledge, methods and ways of designing, receptions of the decision of creative problems and technical knowledge. Experience of practical work appears on the basis of the formation of skills and abilities to work with instruments and perform technological operations.
It is described that the continuity of this process in creative activity is of great importance, and the episodic nature is ineffective. The education of constant interest in creative work is carried out continuously, systematically during all years of schooling by creative activities. The effectiveness of creative work has a significant impact on the education of creative personality traits. The result is that the student has more opportunities to implement in their intellectual and practical activities the necessary corrections to the concepts and images of technical objects and processes, which result in fundamentally new solutions.
It is shown that project-technological activity as the main didactic unit promotes: formation of skills, creative system thinking, technological culture and ethics, strengthening of imagination. It is a powerful stimulus for the emergence of new creative ideas in students, the search for alternative solutions, their analysis and synthesis, and in the future provides a basis for innovative thinking and action. Implementation of personality-oriented paradigm of labor training of students; ensures the unity of education and upbringing of students, preparing them for professional self-determination, the desire for self-education.
It is proved that the lessons of technical work open wide opportunities for improving the creativity of students. The use of methods of teaching students technical modeling in the process of organizing design and technological activities in the lessons of labor training contributes to this. It is important for the teacher to make the most of all opportunities for the formation of a technologically advanced personality, the level of development of which is not possible without proper creative abilities obtained in technical modeling in the process of organizing design and technological activities of students.
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