
  • O. Bakoumenko Kuban State University
  • O. Aleksanyan Kuban State University



V. Nabokov, language personality, bilingualism, author's translation, literal translation, cluster, “heavenly” vocabulary, concordance compression.


The purpose of this article is to compare the “heavenly” vocabulary used in the English and Russian texts of the same work in the conditions of the author's translation from the point of view of the writer's bilingualism and the problems of the theory and practice of translation. The main part of the article is a comparative analysis of the lists of lexemes of the "sky" cluster, selected from "Speak, Memory" and «Другие берега»; the study of the syntagmatic connections of sky/небо and their synonyms that characterize the sky in two cultural and linguistic codes of Nabokov, and a comparison of the source and translated contexts containing lexemes sky/небо. The scientific value of the work consists in the fact that the original lexicographic methods of the Kursk school of linguistic folklore study are applied to the proposed empirical material for the first time: the cluster approach, methods of concordance compression and application of dictionary entries. As a result, it is proved that when switching from English to Russian, V. Nabokov departs from his own principle of literal translation.

Author Biographies

O. Bakoumenko , Kuban State University

Candidate of Philological Sciences (Ph.D.), assistant professor

O. Aleksanyan , Kuban State University



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