audience, communication, manipulation, media effects, media criticism, reflux.Abstract
In the context of modern media practice, its factors are analyzed, which, through the achievement of certain media effects, interact with the purpose of attracting the maximum possible audience. It is also noted that the audience itself does not trust propaganda, whereas the audience entrusts the mass media, which act as the bearers of a particular propaganda. Through the prism of the phenomenon of communication reflux, the content of individual media groups is analyzed. It is noted that communication becomes exhausted, it’s real functional capacity, pursuing the interests of the future, is reduced for the present, for relevance, for the actual needs of the audience. The audience is not able to respond to effects, structural manipulation, and processes that can lead to a cessation of the mass media's presentation of deformed reality that is spreading in society. Key words: audience, communication, manipulation, media effects, media criticism, reflux.
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