partnership interaction, support to parents, positive parenthood, interactive technologies, values of parents.Abstract
The article considers the issue of partnership and support to parents in the modern educational environment. It has been proved that there is an importance of increasing the parents’ psychological awareness on the issue of the child education and development through innovative interactive technologies, which will allow to consider demands of parents, promote formation of the active parental position, provide recognition of their experience in educating their own children and support in searching ways to build a positive interaction. The stages of the cooperation with parents through interactive technologies are highlighted: the teachers in order to introduce interactive technologies working with parents and the parents training. Based on five-year experience in this area, effective recommendations to build positive interaction between teachers and parents have been defined. Combining of the teacher’s professional competence in the child development technologies with the parents experience on the individual peculiarities and demands of their children provides the epitomy of a positive interaction and an adult communication for being followed up by children.
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