Self-organization, self-control, remote work, professional personality, individual typological features, cognitive style.Abstract
This article presents materials which are a continuation of our research publication in 20192020. The first part of the research, devoted to working conditions and the subjective attitude of specialists with different individual typological characteristics to changed remote work due to COVD-19 conditions, is described in the article by Shirokaya M.Yu. and Zhukova O.I. (East European Science Journal, Vol. 3, N 9(73), 2021).
This article is devoted to the study of the features of self-organization and self-control among specialists with different individual typological styles in the conditions of universal remote work, as a necessary measure to ensure health safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. 120 respondents took part in the study. A professional psychological questionnaire, the methodology "Individual typological characteristics of personality" (Sobchik, 2005), "Questionnaire of self-organization of activity" (Mandrikova, 2010) and the scale of "Self-control" (Ishkov, 2004) were used to obtain the results.
It was found that all specialists in the conditions of universal remote work have a reduced level of purposefulness as a meaningful vision of the purpose of life with satisfaction with the process of achieving it. This disrupts the overall self-organization, its strategic component, which forms a temporary perspective for the future.
Specialists with visual-imaginative cognitive style are distinguished by a high level of self-organization and self-control; the conditions of remote work do not cause such specialists to change either the strategy or tactics of doing work. Remote work specialists with an intuitive cognitive style are distinguished by a low level of selforganization. Remote work specialists with the formal-logical personality type also showed a low level of selforganization and an increase in working time despite the previously revealed experience. The verbal personality type is characterized by the worst indicators of remote work self-organization. Specialists with an accentuated type have a high level of self-organization; however, they spend a lot of effort and energy to maintain it.
At the end, the practical significance of the study is given: the identification of an individual personal contribution to the formation of specialist’s with different cognitive styles self-organization allows you to find an individual approach to a specialist and help him realize and unlock the potential of self-organization for high efficiency in the conditions of remote work.
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