
  • V. Emanov National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
  • V. Kokhanenko National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
  • V. Manuilov National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
  • K. Sporyshev National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine



rescue vehicle, pneumatic tire, radial (diagonal) construction, temperature, defects, reliability


The issue of increasing the safety of rescue vehicles to the place of emergency at the maximum possible speeds is considered. It is established that the presence of the screen impairs the heat dissipation from the frame and from all layers of the tire, which increases their thermal stress. The second layer of the breaker is the most thermally stressed. It is determined that the presence of defects also worsens the conditions of heat removal from the tire. These studies confirm the need to monitor the condition of ambulance tires. Substantiated proposals for the construction of rescue vehicles tires.

Author Biographies

V. Emanov , National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

candidate of military sciences, head of the faculty of logistics

V. Kokhanenko, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

V. Manuilov , National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

senior lecturer of the department armored vehicles

K. Sporyshev, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

candidate of technical sciences, deputy head of the department armored vehicles


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