
  • M. Sayed


political participation, Afghanistan, political life, women


The political participation of citizens in modern states is seen as one of the prerequisites for its political development. People, who are the main creators of political and social life, share their political participation in political decision-making and the management of society. Political participation guarantees the legitimacy of sovereignty, moreover, it consolidates sovereignty in the international arena.

With political participation, political power will be motivated and peaceful. Citizens should be free to participate politically, and political parties should be able to compete for political participation. But from past to present in many societies, political participation has not been equally beneficial for all citizens. Since women constitute a significant part of society, they play a fundamental role in determining the political fate of a country. Women have always faced various hardships in the past, and their participation in political life has been limited. Until the 19th century, women were denied the right to vote it was argued that women's participation in public and political life undermined their relationship with the family.

Author Biography

M. Sayed

PhD student in political science,  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia,  Department of Comparative Political Science


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