Ключевые слова:
регулятивное правоотношение, материальное право, срок реализации субъективного праваАннотация
The paper studies the issue of the temporal and essential characteristics of the regulatory civil relationship. The article defends the thesis, according to which a significant role belongs to the legal relationship in concretizing the duration of the social relations regulated by it. The content of civil attitude in the regulatory state has been studied in detail. It is proved that the content of the possible behavior of the rightholder manifests itself both because of domination over the debtor through the requirement of a certain behavior from him, and through his own active actions of the authorized person. In this case, the obliged subject must refrain from any actions that prevent this. Therefore, legal relations create specific social opportunities for subjects of law to meet certain needs either by their own actions or by the actions of others. The correctness of this approach, in particular, is confirmed by the analysis of temporal factors inherent in the subjective material law of a person. Proper regulatory regulation in this area is to ensure a real opportunity for the authorized to exercise his subjective right within an adequate and appropriate period. The main thing is that the subjective right is exercised over time, as long as it exists. After the expiration of the time for the regulatory implementation of the right, its violation begins, which means that the protective-legal material relationship comes into effect.
Библиографические ссылки
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