
  • A. Kadyrova
  • I. Kadyrova

Ключевые слова:

organizational culture, efficiency, organizational values, manager role, types of enterprises, personnel management, factors


The object of the research is to study the influence of organizational culture on the efficiency of the organization as a whole. The purpose of the work is to substantiate measures to increase the effectiveness of the organization by improving the elements of organizational culture. Research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparative analogy, deduction and induction. The methodological basis of the study is a sequential presentation from substantiating the role of organizational culture in business activities to developing specific measures for its improvement. The main types of organizational culture and their impact on organizational efficiency are considered during the current research. An analysis of the differences in the cultures of slow-growing enterprises and fast-growing enterprises was made, on the basis of which it was concluded that both types of enterprises obviously attract employees: those who are looking for material incentives, reliability, respect and authority or factors surrounding work, and who are looking for non-material motivation. Aspects that are motivated by the content of work and their own achievements. In the frame of research, the model was thoroughly investigated. It describes the influence of culture on organizational efficiency through seven processes: cooperation between individuals and parts of the organization; making decisions; control; communications; dedication to the organization; perception of the organizational environment; justification of their behavior.

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