Ключові слова:
: large agricultural enterprises, reproductive mechanism of harmonization of economic interests, state institutions, rural territories, agricultureАнотація
The article considers the reproductive mechanism of harmonization of economic interests of the state and large agricultural enterprises from the standpoint of balancing the development of the agricultural sector, the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies and strengthening business strategy in modern agricultural entrepreneurship. It is substantiated that market incentives for self-regulation of production structures of entrepreneurial activity depend on the effectiveness of the state agricultural policy. It is proved that the level of harmonization of economic interests of large agribusiness with the state should be considered in terms of a systemic approach, which embodies the elements of an arbitrary set that interact as a whole and function according to certain laws inherent in this complex. From the standpoint of emergence, the interests of large agricultural enterprises in interaction with the state have signs of the quality of synergy, which in the general theory of systems forms the interdependence of system elements, providing a comprehensive effect. The level of harmonization of economic interests of the state and large agricultural enterprises has the properties of a cybernetic system, in particular the presence of information channels between its individual elements; multivariate behavior of the system; controllability and purposefulness of the system, which in some way interacts with the aggressive environment. It is proved that the reproductive nature of interaction is built on a multilevel model, which is defined as the unity of subsystems of agribusiness development on an investment basis, innovation of the agricultural sector and sustainable development of rural areas. The institutional model of regulation of reproductive subsystems of the mechanism of harmonization of economic interests of large agricultural enterprises is offered. The priority directions of the mechanism of harmonization of interests of the state and large agricultural structures for formation of reproductive character of influence on sustainable development of agriculture and rural territories are defined.
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