
  • S. Osokina Altai State University




localization, adaptation, translation, translation theory, movie title


The article discusses different approaches to localization – as one of translation strategies and as a separate tool for rendering language messages in another language. The study is done with the help of comparative linguistic analysis of original movie titles in the English language and their official Russian versions. We study ways of rendering of the film titles in the target language and reveal some reasons for localization. In conclusion, we provide a list of motives for language localization of the movie titles: 1) tendency to build the name of a new film into the system of films already known to the Russian viewer or other cultural realities with the help of socalled "references" to familiar nominations; 2) give additional advertising to the film, 3) make the film more attractive to a specific target audience.

Author Biography

S. Osokina , Altai State University

doctor pf philology, associate professor


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