Ключевые слова:
staff motivation, quantitative indicators, qualitative indicators, motivational process, staff incentives, completeness criterion, efficiency criterion, minimum criterion.Аннотация
The article proves the need to develop mathematical models for managing the process of motivation in domestic enterprises using modern mathematical devices and appropriate software tools for their computer implementation. A single approach will provide comprehensive accurate and dynamic management of the motivation process, a clear understanding of its main elements and assessment of the employees motivational sphere in order to identify opportunities to influence it. The choice and substantiation of the main quantitative and qualitative indicators that determine the motivation level of the enterprise employees on the completeness, effectiveness and minimality criteria.
The dynamics of transient external and internal environments is taken into account. A set of evaluation parameters that characterize the staff motivation level allows increasing the accuracy of the assessment for businesses in different sectors of the economy. It is proved that the use of modern decision-making systems is a prerequisite for the effective operation of a modern enterprise.
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