
  • M. Adabash Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Ключевые слова:

Historical demography, Kyiv Cossack Regiment, Kyiv Orthodox Diocese, parish registers, natural movement of the population.


In the article, the features of the natural movement of the population within the Kyiv Cossack regiment of the Hetmanate in the second half of the XVIII century is examined. Considerable attention to the source base of the study and the state of development of the problem in Ukrainian and foreign historiography is paid.

With the help of these sources of statistical nature, data on births, marriages and mortality in the historical context are analyzed, historical and demographic processes in the region are considered. The church administrative division and the Cossack regimental system are compared, a layer of documents required for historical and demographic issues was singled out in particular extracts of parish registers for 1773 and 1778, containing specific data on the number of births and deaths, number of marriages in villages and towns of Kyiv Cossack regiment. The obtained information is used to analyze the causes of changes in the population in the region.

The subject of the article has a wide potential for further research both in the historical-demographic and regional direction, and in general for the study of Ukrainian and European history of the XVIII century. 

Биография автора

M. Adabash , Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Ancient and Modern History of Ukraine

Библиографические ссылки

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