Ключові слова:
phraseological units, somatic expressions, somatic phraseological units, somatic phraseological combinations.Анотація
This topic has been addressed in view of the importance of studying somatic phraseological units as expressions that have historically undergone the least change and are the most consistent, stable and unchanging ideas of language. Somatic expressions are important in confirming conceptual ideas with new facts, in shedding light on general theoretical issues, and in giving critical, figurative, expressive, and stylistic nuances to existing ideas. Studies show that somatisms, especially those related to body parts such as the head, eyes, heart, throat, ears, and hands, are more productive in the formation of figurative somatic phraseological compounds. The somatic phraseological combinations used with these somatisms create stable word complexes in the language, mainly with high expressiveness and imagery. In both languages, the semantic range of metaphorical, metonymic, hyperbolic, and lithotic structural, characteristic somatic phraseological combinations is very wide and comprehensive. As a result, it should be noted that somatic phraseological units generally include the cultural and national worldview of the peoples who speak each language. The most widely used areas of somatic phraseology are fiction and vernacular. Somatic phraseological units are formed in the language due to proverbs, legends, proverbs and especially the internal capabilities of the language. Therefore, they have a wide coverage in both languages with their expressiveness, imagery, colorful shades, artistic and stylistic features. However, somatic phraseological associations are related to a person's thinking, speech, movement, feelings and emotions, attitude to work, and worldview, and can be directly reflected in such expressions.
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